
To Bond through an Adventure

With the commotion of my mother almost calling the Door of Transcendence calming down, the room went back into a serene atmosphere.

However, not for long.

After half an hour of talking with my Companions about her own adventures inside the game, she excitedly stood up and invited my Companions to accompany her for an adventure.

Yep. She expressed her intention to bond with her daughters-in-law through a virtual adventure inside that simulated game world.

My father was speechless and I couldn't help but find it amusing.

Likewise, my Companions all gushed in excitement except a few like Reinys and Lunaria who were still too reserved in front of my mother

Nevertheless, all of them agreed to it.

The question is… how will they accomplish that?

Unsurprisingly, their eyes all turned to me.

Yeah. I gave in right away.

I wryly smiled and pulled out my phone to contact Polaris

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