
Chapter 8

I have three of the swords, and tomorrow is the day of the mid-terms, so I better get some sleep.

This morning I used the wind swords ability to make the other swords invisible to the eye, so no one would notice them at school. So far I've taken the math and science test, they were kind of tricky but man this Japanese literature one is much more tricky. I sense something near though, feels dangerous, it's probably nothing, but then an explosion through the ceiling it looked like a beam of light,everyone gets up and runs out of the classroom as I stay and look through the whole to see a figure with horns. It must be the yokai, I rush to the window and I notice a sort of portal, and there's... monsters rushing out of it! Goblins and ogres flooding out of it, heading straight to the school, I rush out of the classroom with my katana in hand, as I see and hear the wretched scream of my schoolmates being brutalized by ogres and goblins, and the shredding of clothes, the goblins raping the girls and killing them, I throw up, just as I finish I hear footsteps behind me, and barely dodge an attack from an ogre.

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