
Chapter 99

I follow right behind Asher, my mind a turmoil as thankfully my body moves on its own and I don't get lose him, but still, why now, and how?

A part of me does hunger of his flesh, for ripping him open and crushing him into a pie, but the other… the other purrs for his flesh in other ways that not involve his death.

And my mind goes back and forth on that, like a clock pendulum, tick and tock tick and tock what could I do? What should I do?

"Seiji, pay attention."

I'm caught off guard when Asher calls me, and I realized that we have been standing at the entrance of the headquarters for a while as he turned around to stare back at me.


"Stay focused, I need you sharp and alert today ok? I have a bad feeling about this…"

If only he knew that I was just thinking of opening his chest up and dragging his body to the woods to enjoy, I bet he would not be this friendly.

Next chapter