
youngest brother 3

Little Tau is, after all the youngest brother who became a master of his own branch among the five Pingui males at such a young age.

Because of this, he truly needs all help he possibly could get, that is my job and gladly I will do it.

It is just it pains me to see my little human grow up so quickly. He should have time to play more instead of running his own household.

Mother could have allowed him to enter the first branch, but for some reason, she did not allow it. I had not questioned her about this for the very reason, simply because I wanted to see how strong my little Tau could be, but now... I simply wished for him to relax.

It pained me too much. Perhaps it's why I have assigned him extra guards and punished those severely whenever they committed any mistakes!

What if their mistakes costed my youngest brother his life?

I shook that thought away, focusing on the servants so I can properly inform them.

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