
Big brother, save me from him!

Finding them unworthy of my consideration, I stepped from the space.

In history, animals had never ruled. It had always been a sheep who was led by the sheep to the slaughter. How dare they even try to control me.

Even if an animal ruled, it was nothing but an illusion simply because their dominant form is always something like my own.

A bloodthirsty smile materialised upon my lips the Aura wishing for vengeance, clawing at my being, spreading behind into an infinite shadow before it fell in upon itself disappearing right as I returned to the body memories falling away.

Returning back, I was welcomed by a wonderful woody petrichor scent its unique smell drew me and I subconsciously smile with my eyes still closed but when they were opened I was greeted by my nightmare.

"If I can see that smile each time you wake, I would be the happiest male that exists."

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