
Strong Enough

"Why were you in my bathroom?"

"I have been calling you for more than five minutes! You didn't answer, I thought someone killed you or something. When I arrived, you were mumbling someone's name."

"You didn't respect my privacy." Gabi wasn't amused. This man just barged into her bathroom as if he owned the place.

"Well, private people don't really leave their door open. And again, I was worried something happened. After all, you were supposed to answer when someone is calling you." Aden was scowling at her as he sat on the bed. His crossed his long legs, eyes narrowed at her. "So, who is this Luca?"

"None of your business."

"You were upset that I saw you naked? It's not like… there is really something to see."

"How dare you!"

"You are a child for crying out loud! Unless of course, you have a crush on me?"

"…" Shameless!

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