
Following the Marten


A bright light filled his vision. It was a light that came down shining on him from above. The sun's light has pierced the earth and shined through the earth's cracks.

"Ugh. What happened?"

He could not remember where he was. But he could feel the ground on his back as he laid. He looked around and saw that he was within a hole on the ground.

"Where am I?" He said.

Or so he thought he said. He was not speaking with the human language. His mouth did not follow as he will it to, his mouth was simply incapable of moving diversely as before.


That was all that came from his mouth. He listened closely to his words and he was not amused.

"Reeee?" (What the hell?)

Now that he was questioning his voice, he now took the liberty to check his body.

"Reeee!" (What the? Why am I so pale?)

He was alarmed and immediately stood up. He wanted to properly see his body but staying within the tunnel would not let him do so. He walked towards the hole but something was amiss.

"Reeee?." (Why am I so near the ground?)

He was not walking upright at all. He was walking on all fours, his hands were in front of his feet but it felt so natural to him that he didn't find it weird. He couldn't properly assess what was wrong.

Once he made it outside the hole, he could see the lush surroundings. Trees were great and mighty with the sun's rays shining down on its leaves. The grass swayed along with the gentle breeze and there were small animals.

"Reeee." (Wow.)

He was amazed. The animals he saw looked primitive and unnecessarily big, but they were all beautiful. They had color and size, they also had the atmosphere.

After being bedazzled by his surroundings, he finally remembered the reason he came out of the hole.

"Reeee." (Oh yea. Why do I have such pale skin?)

He took a proper look at himself, lo and behold-


He did not say anything comprehensible, nor did he think of a proper word. He was just shocked upon discovering the fact that he was a Folinr.

He continued looking at himself, he touched his ears and compared his height to everything else. He could not believe that he woke up as a Folinr but he wanted to make sure he was not mistaken. In all honesty, he wished he was.

"Reeee." (I really became a Folinr.)

That was his conclusion. It was quite obvious so he could not bother to refute his conclusion. The evidence was clear, the ears, the height, the skin, and the speech.

"Reeee?" (Wait. How come my eyes are okay?)

He touched his eyes and felt that his eyes were not damaged. Unlike the Folinr that he knew, he had a useful set of eyes that were devoid of any degradation.

However, that thought was incorrect. The Folinr were indeed creatures that lived in the ground but they do not exclusively stay within the ground for their entire lives. It was due to God's action of locking them up underground that their eyes to break down.

He continued walking around despite the heavy questions in his head. He did not have enough information about his surroundings so instead of staying in one spot while trying to think deeply, he will scout out the area while thinking about his situation.

"Reeee." (Let's see. If I remember correctly, I lost all of my HP when I failed to avoid that boulder. I died at that moment. So I should be sent to God's Realms right?)

He looked around once more and confirmed his thoughts.

'This doesn't look like God's Realm at all.'

He continued wandering around and soon enough he found a few other Folinrs. He did not know what to do and how to interact with the creatures despite being one himself.

'Let's just go.'

He walked towards the other Folinrs, albeit slowly. He was still cautious and for the right reasons. He died due to a Folinr and he has killed plenty because of his explosions.

Once he was near enough, the Folinrs detected his presence and did not do anything about it. They were not hostile but neither were they friendly to him. They just continued lazing around the place.


He caught their attention with his voice. They were alarmed at his screech, they all took different yet cautious stances. It seems like they were ready to fight.

Adam did not know that the Folinrs do not talk with their mouths but with their bodies. The screeching that they send out was only a sort of signal that indicated danger or when they attacked an animal.

After checking that they were not in immediate danger, they all relaxed and look at Adam with a strange eye. Their peace was disturbed by the newcomer and they did not like that one bit.

They walked towards Adam slowly in synchronization. Adam felt threatened by their actions but did choose to back off. He stood his ground and braced himself for an attack.

However, the Folinrs around him did not attack. The Folinr's nature was that of a scavenger. They choose not to fight and live off of excess bounty instead.

They all looked at Adam and sniffed him around. They found that Adam was a Folinr, therefore he was not an enemy and that he was weird due to suddenly alerting them.

After inspecting Adam, they went back to their original places and continued staying listless. They could be a reflection of the modern world's couch potatoes.

The interaction was a bizarre experience for Adam. He did not expect that the Folinrs was this chill. They only went to do about their business, which was not doing anything but waiting.

Scavengers were like that. They do not prey on living creatures but eat any leftover meat that predators chose not to eat. They are important in the ecosystem because they prevent carrion from decomposing and spreading diseases.

The Folinrs were very aggressive during the Vault invasion because they were hungry. They were also led by a massive Folinr that was indirectly being controlled by Weyah himself.

Adam continued walking around alone. He no longer bothered the other Folinrs and went about to explore the forest. He did not give the forest enough attention because he was confused before, but now he saw brilliance.

'Wow. This place is amazing!'

While wandering, he saw trees that were unique. The kind that he only saw from long ago that he could not remember when exactly. There were also flowers that no longer exist and the land looks very much alive.

'Wait a minute.'

Adam looked around himself once again. He was feeling that something was not right. This forest did not seem like any other forest at all. He was familiar with it but he could not say for sure it is what he thinks it is.

That is because of the existence of the animals around him. He was not familiar with any of the animals he saw here ever existing in the forest from his memories.

'And the Folinrs are here too.'

His speculations brought him to nowhere. He could say that the surroundings and the atmosphere fit the criteria in his memories but the wildlife did not. So he was not sure at all.

'Did he create another?'

Adam thought about God. It was possible that Weyah brought him here. For millennia, he was always spawned as an orb within God's Realm. Now, he was experiencing something else entirely.

'Maybe he created another one. He did destroy the first one after I and Eve disobeyed his command.'

Adam was about to go back to the hole that he came from before getting lost in the woods but something caught his eye before he could turn back.


He saw his albino marten.

'What on earth is she doing here?'

He ran towards Talyn, or at least towards the albino marten. He could not be sure that it was Talyn but her features and size were the same with this marten.

The marten saw that Adam was approaching. It turned tail and ran.

"Reeee!" 'Wait!'

Adam screeched in a loud voice but the marten did not look back. It kept running without looking at Adam at a certain pace.


After a while of chasing the marten, Adam was suspicious of its speed. It was not running at full velocity and it kept on stopping at certain spots that were difficult to vault over in one move.

'Is it leading me somewhere?'

Adam was certain that the marten was not randomly running away from him. It was running towards a certain place and as Adam chased it, he realized something.

'This place is uncannily familiar.'

The sceneries were too similar. He could remember this place from his memories. He felt weird at the thought but he just kept running.

'After this area, there should be a clearing. Within the clearing is a large tree that had a moat around it.'

He was nearing the edge of the area.

'And it should be riiiiiight, here?'

Adam stood still. He stopped following after the marten and had a dumbfounded look on his face. For what he saw, was something that he knew because it was a memory from his greatest blunder.

'The tree of knowledge.'

this is an important chapter folks.

its a huge portion of the plot so do remember it well.

SquareGoatcreators' thoughts
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