
Comments of chapter undefined of The Crown Prince Thinks I'm a Guy


Volume 4. Volume 4! VOLUME 4!!!!! I’m so excited!!!! The mysterious mission is going to be uncovered by Detective Ele 💡🔍🕵🏽‍♀️ Ok, now time for a mini update to my theory log This chapter felt weird to me. At the end of every volume, we get an epilogue but until now, it’s been extra snippets or a transition into the next volume (ie. Hestia’s letter or Ele’s first time seeing the floating isle) But now out of the blue we get this chapter of a married (this might be inportant) unamed drunk gambler, who was mugged and killed in the slums. At first, I thought that because all the other epilogues have had something tied into the currant plot line, the drunk man might be the professor. Especially with them both being married. But this theory starts to fall apart when we find that the man had a rocky relationship with his wife. You could argue that Nurse Melinda and Professor Whitaker might have a rocky relationship that hasn’t been revealed yet, but we have no evidence to back that claim up, plus we’re only ever seen them be loving towards eachother in the book. Plus the whole, high ranking noble love affair thing. Then the man dies and we know for sure that it couldn’t be the proffessor, as his character will be playing a more active role in the plot in the coming volume. But that brings the question, “So who is the drunk man?” Looking over the characters we know now, he doesn’t appear to fit with any of them. So let’s take a step back, what do we know about the man? He feels uncomfortable while sober. This suggests that his life isn’t going too great. What are common reasons someone would abuse alcohol? According to Talbott Recovory, they are; 1. Stressful enviornments 2. Drinking at am early age 3. Mental health problems like depression 4. Taking alchol with medicine 5. Family history Another source, Sana Lake Recovory includes reasons such as peer presure and trauma as causes for alcoholism but those don’t seem to fit for the man (as peer pressure mostly applys to children and we don’t know enough about the man to chalk it up to trauma)


I'm glad me nerding out over my favorite novel helped you out lol

Move_on_and_live:u actually tried to analyse it !!!! I found this ch confusing and found it similar to my teacher's lecture when I read it (teacher's lecture as if; where the lessons starts where it ends where is the body it is all a mix up thus all out of mind). But after I read it for the second time I found that i will never be able to understand it as it not meant for me, but anyway thank u for making it easier for my tiny brain to understand and bye.