

I can feel Caelum's discomfort. I hope he's alright. Dialing his number I get his voicemail. How strange...

After an hour I'm finally finished cutting out spots for our lady bugs. I jump when my classroom phone rings.

"Baby, why are you still at school?"

"I've got a few more things to prep. We're making lady bugs for our counting to 10 day tomorrow." I feel him smile through the phone.

"Goddess, I miss you."

"I miss you too." I smile then remember my purpose for calling originally. "Why are you so uncomfortable over there? I keep getting your emotions in waves."

"It's your sister."

My heart beats out of my chest. "Is she okay? Is it because she's fighting in challenges? Oh Goddess, help her!"

"No, no, sorry I mean your sister is in heat."

I almost drop the phone as my mouth falls open. "What did you just say?"

"Starlight please don't make me say it again."

"That is so exciting! She has a mate! Of course it would be another Alpha...who is he? Where are they going to live? Is he going to combine territories or -"

"Earth to Stella. I have to go. A challenge request just came in."

"Oh shit! Call me back as soon as you can!!"

I look at the pile of black dots I've cut for lady bugs. That'll have to do, the kids can paint their paper plates themselves. My mind can't focus on anything other that Gin. Poor thing, in heat and being challenged!

Slowly, I pack up my bag and head for the door. I'm the last one in our small school building. Locking the door behind me I make my way to the car. There's a turtle in the parking lot. I pick it up and place it by the forest. Before I can stand up I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head. I feel myself fall before the darkness consumes me.


Caelum howls in pain and drops to the floor. His hands touch the back of his head where the blow came. He turned around but was alone in his room. Stella. He couldn't feel her.

Quickly he burst into Regina's room. She was sprawled naked on her stomach. Her hair clung to her face drenched in sweat.

"Alpha it's urgent." Caelum whined. His eyes weren't their normal warm brown. They glowed a burnt orange.


I pushed myself over and flopped on my back. I had just fallen asleep. At least the heat was less intense.

*It's cause we're an Alpha.* Praesul shrugged. *You're coming out of heat.*

*Already? Thank the Moon Goddess! How long?*

*An hour or so.*

"Yes Caelum, I'm listening. Toss me a towel, will you?"

"It's Stella. I can't feel her." He grabbed a towel from the bathroom and handed it to me. His breath came out in a puff.

I snatched it away and covered my body. "What do you mean you can't feel her?"

He paced back and forth before turning the air back to 69 degrees.

I tried to mind link her. *Stella? It's me. Are you okay?* Radio static, that indicates no connection.

"I know she's not dead." He said, reassuring himself.

"What happened?"

"I was - I mean she was hit over the head with something. Hard." His breath hitched in his throat and tears threatened to fall.

"Where was she?"

"We'd talked a half hour ago and she was still at the school."

*Ignis, where the fuck is my sister?*

*I mean I'm not keeping tabs on her or anything, but she hasn't returned from school yet. She said she wanted to stay late and prep for tomorrow. Why? What's going on?*

*Check it out and report back ASAP.*

I shut the link. Now I'm cold. The room is back up to the 40s. Goosebumps appear all over my skin and I move for the bathroom.

"Go." I tell Caelum. "Make sure Stella is alright."

He's gone before I can turn to face him. Shutting the door quickly behind him.

In the shower I let the tears fall. Why is my sister missing? Why does Rex want to fight me? Why do I have two mates? I stayed in the shower until the water ran cold. I toweled off slowly. Then I threw on sweatpants and a t-shirt and collapsed on the sofa. I fell into a deep dark slumber.

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