
Chapter 63

Although Tama, Pyria and Liliana entered from different sections of the castle walls they soon reunited and continued their mission together.

After a few minutes they felt tremors throughout the building and could feel fire erupting nearby. Whilst walking through the corridors they have repeatedly passed dead bodies of demons so they had missed any opportunity to fight.

"That must be Lynx" Liliana suggested

"We have only seen corpses and I wanna test my strength out... wanna?..." Tama suggested

The three girls all looked at each other smugly and started sprinting down the hallway. The further they went the hotter it got. They continued their journey until they spotted a hole in the floor. Pyria was hesitant to drop down since she didn't know what was down there so Tama kicked her down and followed. Naturally Liliana couldn't leave them and continued too.

The fire was hottest here. They saw the damage caused by the battle between Behemoth and Kami first hand. They watched as Behemoth walked towards Kami through the fire.

They attempted to go over to him but three pairs of hands broke through the wall behind them and dragged them through separating them from the fight.

They landed on the floor and before they had any time to realise what had happened Pyria was lifted by the ground and flung through another wall whilst a fiery hand grabbed Tama's ankle and chucked her into the opposite wall.

The only thing Liliana could here were the screams of her teammates as they disappeared from her within the dark room that was half lit by the burning nether outside.

Within the darkness a demon walked out already completely red with large black horns and two sets of red wings.

"I am Pythos" The demon explained "Let us have a fair fight"

He bowed before pulling out a normal sword and coating it in his second generation nether. The sheer amount that was poured into it caused the blade to shatter and rebuild itself repeatedly until it became a legendary weapon on the spot.

Liliana stared completely shocked by what she saw with her mouth wide open.

"Hey that's cheating!" she whined

Blacksmiths spend ages gathering the right equipment to make a legendary weapon and most can't even build it yet he upgraded a plain sword into one. That was more impossible than dirt being edible.

But such a feat was perfect for her. She had done the impossible and was now staring at a man that could do the same but instead of them being friends they were foes.

She coated herself in watery aether and vulcanised it instantly. The demon responded the same way and they both charged in. Regardless of what he was capable of nether is weaker than aether since it is more flexibly used so when her fist clashed against the legendary sword it was even. The shock wave from the blows caused the room to shake and remaining walls to crack.

They both backed off. Liliana moved all of her aether to her knuckles and repeated the attack. Pythos' lost in terms of strength and his sword was instantly repelled upwards along with the hands holding it. Now his chest was a huge target for Liliana. He tried to move the weapon back down in time but Liliana moved too fast for him to keep up with her. She landed three blows in popping his cells and causing water to gush out of his body for a few seconds.

"There is no need to fight back. Your friend behind you is dead and so are the two that are gone. Why don't you just follow them?" Pythos insisted

Liliana noticed she hadn't heard anything since she entered the room but refused to believe that they were dead. They had all done heavy training for the last 7 months. There deaths were not possible and definitely not so soon.

Pythos began to continue to talk to her confusing her further. The more he talked the less the power gap became until they were completely even.

All the walls around them had crumbled from the shock and the ceiling was about to collapse in on itself. The ground was mostly gone and the two were exhausted.

By now all of her aether had been concentrated onto one knuckle on both hands but it still wasn't enough.

"Seems I can't beat you with such simple moves alone" Liliana admitted

She jumped back and put all of her aether into her right index finger. She noticed Pythos was getting stronger the longer the battle continued. She was going to release all of her energy in one attack.

Pythos noticed and lunged forwards. Although they were equal it was only when her aether was in both hands. Pythos was aware that if it was moved to one hand or everything she had was to be released he wouldn't win.

With his sword raised her aimed at Liliana whilst the aether on her finger continued to grow in size.

He continued to draw closer but Liliana pointed her finger at him like a gun and prepared to shoot.

When he was 10 metres away she released the built up attack. With a loud boom every room directly in front of the attack was vapourised even destroying the castle walls and disappearing into the distance.

Liliana felt weak. She looked around and saw no sign of Pythos.

"hehe. Call that one finger gun" Liliana weakly laughed as she fell down onto her back from exhaustion.

She knew Pythos was somewhere alive even if he was dust due to what happened with Azael and Leviathan but Pythos wasn't a sin so she was gambling on the fact that it would take him longer to heal whilst she did her best to breathe.

"I wonder... why I can't.... hear..... everyone" Liliana gasped

A few seconds after she felt her ears pop and sound flooded into them. She didn't know what happened other than something blocked off her hearing selectively. She thought she must've accidentally destroyed it.

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