
Chapter 61: Black Arms

Kami approached the castle walls and lunged onto the stone and plunged Asura deep inside. Hidden in the shadows under the glow of the moon he put his free hand onto the stone and forced 5 finger shaped holes for his hand.

He pulled out Asura and let her drop to the floor piercing the grass below. Now hanging only by his left hand which he had forced into the stone like clay he repeated this with his right hand. Using his fuwa he created a hand which went downwards and claimed the hilt of Asura and placed it back into its sheathe.

He then plunged his hands in and out of the wall repeatedly as he scaled over it. As he reached the top he silently dropped down into the castle. He was a kilometre away from the castle courtyard but the only in was through the castle itself unless he tried to break straight through.

Kami realised everyone else had probably infiltrated the castle walls and were having the same problem as him. This was true except for one. Kami quickly headed into the castle stealthily to continue his quest.

As Lynx jumped over the castle walls he landed easily into the courtyard of the castle. Greeting his eyes was the large rocket the sins had made along with the remaining 5 sins.

"Seems free food walked all the way over here" Beelzebub laughed as he approached Lynx

"I agree but I won't let you have it this time, you always trick me" Mammon smiled sinisterly whilst walking next to Lynx

Lynx was frozen in fear, for the next minute he listened to the two sins argue about who were going to eat his soul whilst Asmodeus, Belphegor and Lushan stayed calm in the back. He gulped down his saliva at the sight of predetermined death.

"N-no" Lynx mumbled

"Huh?" Mammon responded "Can't hear you boy"

"NOOOO!" Lynx screamed shaking

He forced himself to move and jumped back. He coated himself in aether which quickly turned red and raised both of his open palms at the sins approaching him with one palm for each.

The two sins stopped.

"Oooh. He's got some spunk, Beelz I'm not sharing" Mammon demanded not even looking at Lynx who was charging his attack

"He has made me hungry so I need that soul" Beelzebub demanded

They stared at each other whilst watching Lynx charge the attack further.

By now the fire attack Lynx was making had burnt the grass surrounding him and was charring the castle walls. Immense heat could be felt from everywhere in the courtyard.

"Got some heat. Guess I'll take you seriously" Mammon acknowledged

He pulled out a black dagger from his waist and pointed it at Lynx. Beelzebub put his hands in his pocket and pulled out his gloves which had metal platings on the knuckles. He modified his gloves.

Lynx released the attack and the sins tried to attack it. Their clothes burned on impact and their hair singed. They were both slowly forced back by the attack and the longer they held onto it the more damage was done to them.

"Up Mammon" Beelzebub instructed

The sins both launched the attack upwards into the sky. Before it receive a lot of height Lynx pointed at the two large suns he had made then at the sins. They came crashing down at then with force with the intent of burying them in the ground.

The dirt began to melt turning to mud and they both were forced into the floor. Lushan took some interest at the two fiery balls and after looking at them briefly they split into two. But Lynx wasn't done.

The sins now looked relaxed now that they had received help and charged towards Lynx. He moved his finger again and they turned around to see the attack which had been split had come back together and was now one large sun bearing down on both of them.

This time they went to parry it away to continue moving towards Lynx but as they prepared to do so it separated again into multiple different parts throwing them off balance and then pierced them as spikes from all directions. They lost both of their arms but managed to deal with the majority of the fire.

Smoke left their mouths as they fell on their knees in front of Lynx unconscious for a brief moment. Their arms were replaced with black ones and any injuries they had faced were covered in darkness.

Beelzebub licked his lips and stared at Lynx.

"The more you resist, the hungrier I get" Beelzebub smiled

"And the more I want you all to myself" Mammon chuckled

Lynx could feel their power growing slowly. They began to stand as if nothing even happened and Lynx watched a familiar sight as the two sins slowly turned black growing wings and horns.

Now the battle had truly started.

Kami had silently killed a few demons as he traversed his way through the castle but now he was facing someone who was fairly capable and detected Kami's killing intent forcing him into a battle. It was Azazel.

"It has been a while Kami" Azazel sighed "My plans were rather bad back then so it makes sense you beat me. And I wasn't as strong as I am now"

He began releasing huge amounts of killer intent and coated his body in vulcanised second generation nether.

"Even you cannot stop me now. When I bring you to Lushan I'm sure he will give me a taste of your soul boosting my strength further" Azazel smiled

"Lu who?" Kami asked bewildered

Kami understood that there was a hierarchy for all the demons and that all the sins reined on top but there was never a sin named Lushan nor had he met or heard of a Lushan before now.

"Don't worry, your soul will meet him after I end your life" Azazel grinned

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