
My family?

A full week of being back in a van, packed like sardines in a aluminum can. I grew sick, and very tired. Trying not to upset my family, I kept myself silent and busy. The sickness grew and the fever became very high. Hiding the sickness was easy, until I fainted that is. We had just gotten out of the van to stretch our legs and get more gas before continuing on. Not even 5 minutes hand passed before I had heard screaming from everywhere, and there was an excruciating pain in my face and side of my head.

When I woke up, I was in a hospital. Covered in IVs, and wires, with a oxygen mask on my face. My face and head was hurting and I screamed out in a panic. I had no real strength to move. The monitor was going off and nurses with Doctors started coming in. A nurse who had seen the panic in my face was talking to me as calmly as possible. She introduced herself, and she went on to tell me how I got here, and that I had a very big seizure, and busted the side of my head open on a parking lot curb, and needed emergency surgery to fix some of the damage as soon as I had come in.

She had asked, "Do you know what triggered you into having a seizure?" in a very concerned tone. I shrugged and winced in pain, not from my head but from my aching joints. She proceeded to probe me with questions after questions; about do I know who I am, do I know my age, todays date, who my family is, and more. I Tried to tell her what I thought I knew; I'm Rose, I'm 8, I remembered everything about Lynn, I couldn't remember for the life of me the date, or where I was, or how I even got here. She looked concerned, and called the Doctors in right away to get more scans done of my brain. She was whispering to the Doctors for what felt like forever, and the only thing I could hear clearly was, "we should probably call her family".

My family? Do they mean Lynn? Lynn must be so worried about me. I missed her so much. After getting all the scans and blood work done, a nurse brought me back to my room in a wheelchair. He stopped the chair outside my room, and told me there was some people here to see me. He said, "I'll be here with you, and if you get scared. I will make them leave if you ask". I nodded nervously, and we proceeded to enter my room.

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