
15. A New Time Part 2

Ainz stood in front of those who were in need of help while he thought of the previous events...

A day Earlier near the lake :

Ainz made his towards the forest where artoria had told him to meet. Upon reaching the place he felt a wanting towards the beauty of it.

A tranquil moonlight that shone unperturbed by the working of the world. In its own axis time moved. Ainz was touched but again his emotion suppression had activated. Honestly its gotten to the point where it's even annoying. Ainz wanted to enjoy and get drunk on the current atmosphere thinking such he brought Total Maniac out from his inventory.

He stared and thought if he should pull the trigger or not. But in the end, this world was simply escapism for Ainz. Free from the chains and binding of his duty. Garnering his resolve he finally pulled the trigger of Total Maniac and the magic was unleashed.

Present Time:

He moved like the wind scorching the earth in its fury. The world collapsed in its wake for he was the one true chosen in the eyes of others. Blood marred his face showing the intensity of the conflict he started, he is known by all in different faces. But in this time he stood as an amalgamation of all that is righteous.

Blades meeting blades in a fury that Ainz had never felt. Adrenaline and thrill of such conquest fuelled him to his bones. No longer was he the ever mindful overlord who cared for self-image.

Unrestrained and free...

That's how it should be

Shackles of duty finally released.

He moved on to his next target. Ainz relished his moments in the battle for the fear in their eyes apparent. No longer was he a mage who killed others without their knowing. Now, he was a warrior melted in steel and forged in the fire of his past. He really is thankful to clementine for awakening his lust for battle.

"D-don't come near me!!"

Panic, an emotion common to sentient life form. It is like a fire burning and spreading as time goes on. Entrudt a Saxon warrior employed by the current ruler knew of the Briton as to be weak. Hiding behind their homes for they were cowards in his eyes. He is a true Saxon accustomed to battle and revels in victories but even he was speechless. For the warrior facing them was akin in his mind to such a degree.

A knight in an uncommon black armor. With the sheer intensity of his aura, he strikes moving in fluid precision despite his large armor and not to mention the intense blood lust his forces faced left even him the strongest and the purest of Saxon's shiver. It was an instinct commonly possessed by humans but for the first, he was the one feel it and it honestly scared him.

It scared him to his very core...

But it seems like just the beginning of the bad events. While the warrior in black was gaining their attention artoria took the opportunity to join the fray with her knights and led a surprise charge with her cavalry. He had enough of the mind to scream at his soldiers to prepare their lances but it was too late.

Little over half the army had already fallen. A good portion from the nameless knight and the others from the fear he spread.

For an army was mostly cluttered with people from different walks of life. No matter how good of a leader others make him be. Fighting with a group without a realistic goal but an ideal was never going to work out and so it happened.

In their fear, most Saxons started running away from the battlefield which shattered the entire army composition. Enrudt thought back on his countless victory against his adversaries. He fought most of his life for what he had believed for such it remained even more unbelievable for him to fall so easily.

He as final wish wanted to know of whom had this UNHOLY knight belonged to. Venom filled his veins but the conclusion had shown him in the next few moments made his eyes dim

The figure approached coated in regal blue riding in a shining white horse covered in cloth all to familiar to every Saxons that had declared themselves to fight against Briton. Wheat colored hair and wearing a steel armor with a bearing of a king.

He emerged before them. An adversary that may end the Saxon incursion. The heir of Uther rose once more.

Arthur POV:

It was honestly an enthralling experience for Arthur. She had expected even with the knowledge of how to win the battle to at least face a bit of resistance. Her force was not large it honestly might be even smaller than her past self. She composed herself expecting a few to die. But when desired death what came to her was a surprise

"Artoria. Your strategy may be smart and sound but I would like to utilize my sword skills in the upcoming battle. Therefore I request to move alone and confront them at the beginning, this will create a distraction for you and the others following us to commit a surprise tactic."

Artoria was not dumb. In the grail war what tad bit information she gained from Ainz told her that he also had been a king and may even a better one than her. So, she thought of his advice. After all, not everything is set in stone.

The tactics working in the past may not even work now and if duke Aldien was not able to protect the river then her strategy to even use the past tactics would be rendered null.

In the end, she decided to trust Ainz. He and only he among the knights knew of her burden and had not cowered or shown derision in front of him and on the contrary had even aided her.

Artoria was not used to receiving others' kindness be they god themselves. She had known her aid was not free and tried to refuse it many times but even then ainz placated her by simply saying that he was doing much to meet his own objective. She instantly saw through Ainz words, he was telling her such to lessen the guilt she faces. She remembered the time when artoria had met ainz left her cheeks flush. She felt embarrassed showing her vulnerable side that easily towards an upstanding individual like ainz.

She suppressed her emotions and decided to see how ainz handles the first act.

"You can do so as you wish. Ainz, You are my knight as such no matter what advice you provide I will be sure to take it into consideration, so no need to hold your tongue in the presence of others."

She spoke smoothly without sounding authoritative or domineering. The words were spoken not from artoria pendragon the king of Briton but from the girl who lost everything and knew the conclusion already. Like a soft liquid, it seeped in his mind which allowed him to drop all pretenses and speak.

"Artoria, believe in me. I promised on my name that I would help you. Even if the future remains inevitable I still would strive to the end to change such, for I made an oath in the name of Ainz Oowl Gown and besides I'm your knight. It falls on my duty to aid my beloved empress. How can I fail you if you have that much hope in me.."

The emotions shown by Ainz was not lost to her. She unconsciously blushed and was unable to formulate to speak a coherent sentence. As such, she looked away and spoke lightly

"Then do what you wish...."

Ainz smiled and in a few moments walked towards the battlefield.


What a stupid time to be alive. Covid-19 kills, Lebanon destroyed and there is a rumor of another virus rising after covid-19,economic crisis and decrease of drinkable water in the world. Humanity is at its last dregs after all who knows if trump or Xi Jinping will start a nuclear war . So a chapter for my comrades who are still alive and living who knows when you will lose the luxury..

Also i'm thinking of writing another fic Overlordxoregairu? or something like that.

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