

Another twelve years old young boy entered the arena with him, looking surprised. "Hey, it is you already, Rean?"


"Hey Foster! Don't hold back on me. Friends should give their best, no hard feelings!" Rean spoke with excitement. Weeks of talking with the village people got Rean quite some new friends of the same age.

"Obviously!" Foster nodded and assumed a fighting stance. "No hard feelings when I win."

"Hahaha!" Rean laughed and assumed a stance as well. There were no weapons, so there wasn't really a need for a judge. The only rule was that you should stop when your adversary hits the ground. It was that simple.

Foster ran forward and punched out... easily hitting Rean's face and forcing him back a few steps. However, he didn't fall.

Foster laughed and tried again, although Rean dodged this time and delivered a kick on his belly... just barely. 

"Go, Foster, go!"

"Rean, don't give up!"

Next chapter