
This Voice...

"Well, it still doesn't change the fact I didn't want to get you involved," Romario commented.

"I guess we're past that point now," Rean mused, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "But, Dad, I'm really intrigued. How did you plan to utilize the Fragments to restore the foundation?"

Romario's voice grew serious. "The task is far from simple. Merely returning the Fragments to the Foundation Pillar won't suffice. We need a model, an integration point, to replicate the structure on a smaller scale. Only then can we hope to mend the Pillar."

He continued. "In my Pocket Dimensional Realm, I have this model I've been working on ever since I found out about the breaking of the Foundation Pillar by the Extinction Sphere. Once I collect all the Fragments, I will be able to merge this model into the Pillar itself. That should fix all the cracks and unify both sides."

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