

Juri wasn't the only one. Turen also seemed to be aware of it. "So it wasn't only me, uh?"

Hamarlia nodded. "I think I know what you are talking about."

Seeing Rean's puzzled expression, Juri began to explain. "Just before I woke up, I had a strange dream. It was like my consciousness was swimming through a sea of colored water. Then, a few seconds before I woke up, I saw myself being pulled out of this sea and was met with the sight of an enormous colored crystal. It seems like I was inside that Crystal the entire time."

Hamarlia and Turen said the exact same thing. "Yes! That's it! We saw it too!"

Rean was surprised. "If it was only Juri, it could have just been a coincidence. But with the three of you having the same dream, I doubt that's the case. Give me a second."

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