
Amazing item

"Sigh..." In the end, Roan sighed. "This is very cliche, isn't it?"

Rean was taken aback for a moment, asking in response, "You mean this situation?"

Roan nodded, saying, "Some strong demon beasts come out to talk about some weird rule. Then they demand payment, then we refuse, then we fight, then stronger demon beasts come out because they can't just let it go, yadda yadda yadda... This is kinda boring."

Rean had to admit Roan's words made sense. "Now that you mention that, it does seem very cliche."

Netako and Hariado couldn't help but feel somewhat embarrassed after hearing that. Indeed, didn't their action seem way too predictable? "H-Hmph! So what? As long as we get the payment, we don't care whether it's cliche or not. You better stop testing our patience, though."

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