The spear shafts over three metres long failed to penetrate the armour on the undead. No – the weapons shattered into bits, instead.
At the same time, the chariots and the cavalry collided with the pike wall. The noises of explosions rocked the night sky.
Aslan's pike soldiers were flung hard away in random directions.
The unlucky ones caught in front were mercilessly crushed by the skeleton hooves, while the ones standing to the left and right got shredded to bloody bits by the hooks attached to the wheels of the chariots.
"Infantrymen, advance!"
"Necromancers, summon the Bone Golems, now!"
"We need slaves! The supply of slaves...!"
Necromancers quickly grouped up and chanted their next spell. Slaves were dragged towards them in the meantime. The dark magicians used up the lifeforce of the slaves as the offering for demonic energy.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: