
068. Ancient Ruin -1 (Part Two)

I continued listening to Tina's story while feeling rather bitter about it.

A short while later, Kasal's voice came to us from outside the tent, "I've brought some food, sirs. Would you like some?"

"Ah, hang on. Let me join you guys outside. There are some things I'd like to hear from you as well."

Damon and I stepped outside the tent, leaving Tina and my skeleton behind inside.

I let her be on her own and headed straight into the midst of the mercenaries currently sitting around a campfire.

However, even I could tell that they were quite tense. From what I heard, they were like this because of how so many of Aslan's Necromancers were cruel and volatile in nature.

The atmosphere suggested that this was not a place I should stick my nose in, but it couldn't be helped as I had a pressing matter to attend to. After getting a bowl of soup, I wanted to somewhat soften the stiff mood around, so I stared at Hans next.


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