
057. Imperial Prince Saw Him -1 (Part One)


"Well then, we'll start the sparring session now."

The academy's instructor tightly held a wooden sword as his eyes became bloodshot. With a deeply-tense expression, he stared at the opponent before him, Charlotte Heraiz.

He addressed her. "Go easy on me, Charlotte."

She silently nodded her head.

The instructor swallowed back his dry saliva. Sweat trickled down the hand gripping the wooden sword.

How long had it been since the last time he felt this nervous?

He glanced at his surroundings.

The gazes from the students were pricking his skin. He also saw the Paladins in charge of the academy's security as well.

All of their attention was focused on him.

'I'm screwed.'

Cold sweat also began gushing down the instructor's face. While everyone was watching, he had to confront the girl right in front of him.

She was only seventeen years old.

To the instructor who had wielded the sword far longer than she'd been alive, this sparring was not something he could back away from.


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