
047. Imperial Prince is Hunting Beasts -3 (Part One)


It was truly an incongruous spectacle to behold.

Redmoon even forgot all about its fear and terror. The lycanthrope simply stood there and dazedly stared at its front before asking itself a question.

What on earth could 'that' be?

The group of humans wearing red robes suddenly knelt down and lowered their heads. They even covered up their ears with their hands too.

At first, Redmoon thought they were doing that out of fear.

But that wasn't it.

What the boy did next kickstarted an extraordinary event.

It was unknown just where he got such a strange-looking skull, but the moment he put that thing on his head, the dried-up ground was suddenly filled with a shallow puddle.

That signalled the start of the incongruous event. Because, even more bizarre things began unfolding afterwards.

A hand made out of bones suddenly popped out from the water's surface.

Forget about rising out of the holy water puddle, the skeletons practically began shooting out from the water now.


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