
Chapter 33 Hayane's Condition

Tsuna couldn't take Shammal's shamelessness anymore as he took back Bianchi from Shammal's groping hands and said to Shammal.

"Ok, Bianchi-san is already ok, so how about I send her back to my house since I see you have other intentions here." Shammal had sighed internally in his mind as he thought he had lost his chance but complied with Tsuna and said: "Well ok I'll stop for now whoever who would you even get to take Bianchi here to your House from here When Reborn asked me to come here base on the address Reborn gave me it's a little far from here."

Then Tsuna smirked at this as he then said: "Well, It's no problem. I have something cool that can help her go to my house swiftly and safely."

Then As Tsuna pressed a button. On his watch. Just after he pressed his watch from a near distance, Spanner's robot had made for Tsuna back then flew fast and arrived bro where Tsuna and the gang were currently.

When Shammal heard this, he asked: "What's this metal machine you called here, kid." Shammal saw an Egg-shaped robot with a detailed device and the symbol of Vongola in the back of it.

Tsuna replied to Shammal's question and said: "Oh, this is my personal robot that my friend Spanner, who is currently with the unconscious Hayane-chan."

"With this robot, it can turn into most machines, and using this, I can order him to become a flying Bed, and he can deliver Bianchi-san to my house swiftly."

" And don't worry that it will break since we already tested it back then, and everyone could fit in it as we flew back then, which was really cool."

As Tsuna said this with an amazing look in his eyes as almost everyone knew that Tsuna had liked various types of machines ever since Spanner introduced Tsuna into the world of Robotics.

First, Tsuna had just thought when he planned to give the book to Spanner and Shoichi as he thought it would be useful; however in himself thought he wouldn't like it or wasn't good at it, so he didn't pursue it.


But one day, Spanner helped Shoichi improve his cube weapon to see if he can improve its strength. Tsuna coincidentally arrived at Spanner's apartment were doing their projects as he was about to remind them both for the weekly practice.

Then when Tsuna this, he said, "So guys, you ready for later's practice and what's that you're working on."

"Boss, you're here already. What time is it? Time already did not see it at all, well sorry boss, we both were busy enhancing and seeing the specifics of Shoichi's weapon you gave him. We were both interested to see how it works, and we saw that it's its almost unbreakable unless we used Spanner -san's invention last time."

Thus, Tsuna also became interested in it, as he had also just bought the cube from the system and didn't know himself. On how it was made, o he also looked at it. So after this, Tsuna. Spanner and Shoichi had gotten absorbed in the item until they became late to the practice.

But eventually, Hayane figured out where Tsuna could be in and brought everyone to the place where she suspected where he was. When Tsuna's gang arrived in Spanner's apartment, the sweat dropped when they saw Tsuna, wearing an orange version of Spanner's jumpsuit and Shoichi, who wore a red and Spanner in his usual green jumpsuit. All tinkering on a Robot together while covered in oil.

After seeing this, everyone complained to Tsuna as they said they waited for him for an hour in the usual training spot. After this, Tsuna apologized to everyone, and Tsuna had to owe everyone a favour. Which mostly everyone already made him do, which among what they made Tsuna do was.

Chrome made Tsuna just Hangout for an entire day. When that happened, Tsuna already saw that Chrome had feelings for him; however, he still decided not to say that he knew it as Tsuna wanted Chrome to develop her confidence more before saying it to her.

While Chrome herself that Tsuna and the other's hadn't noticed her feelings yet and she was building courage for her to confess, but she waited for the chance actually to say it.

As usual, Ryohei initially wanted to use Tsuna's favour to join the Boxing club again, but he knew that Tsuna wouldn't do it, but he still tried. Predictably Tsuna rejected it, but Tsuna instead just fought in Boxing with Ryohei instead of the favour, which Ryohei once since although Tsuna was stronger in other aspects, Ryohei was already a national level player in boxing.

Then Lambo had asked Tsuna to buy him lots of food and candy, which Tsuna sighed as he had lost a ton of cash for buying all of Lambo's food, but he still thought it was enjoyable to hang out with Lambo as Tsuna thought of him as a little brother.

While Takeya had also made Tsuna hang out with her when she went to a sports centre, Tsuna and Takeya just hung out as normal friends do. Still, Tsuna also saw signs that Takeya might like him, but he just shrugged it off as he thought, "Nah, there's no way that she would like me, We've been friends for almost a year, and she almost had shown no signs towards that." But Takeya felt like this was a date, although Takeya, who was ignorant to some stuff, especially romance, didn't know the difference between a date and just a casual hang out.

While Tsuna had a date with both Kyoko and Haru for his favour for both of them, Tsuna, because of training most of the time, wasn't able to take them both of them on dates as much so when they do, Tsuna always plans it to be special. And after this date, Tsuna had already gotten used to having a girlfriend. Hence, he wasn't a person who gets embarrassed as much as before as Tsuna can now kiss Kyoko and Haru casually, and he can even do perv stuff, although Tsuna doesn't show it much.

While Kyou herself didn't make him do much and only made Tsuna follow her around the school one time to what she said an inspection to students to see if anyone had broken the rules of Namimori, which Kyou was very strict towards.

And last, Hayane asked nothing to Tsuna except allow herself to serve Tsuna for everything. Which although it made Tsuna uncomfortable, he still allowed it.

Flashback End

Shammal then said after Tsuna had already transformed his personal robot to a flying bed that Bianchi was currently laying on along with Lambo, who Tsuna had called over to accompany Bianchi, who was unconscious to make sure wouldn't fall over.

"Well, since we already sent out Bianchi to your House, how about you finally let me see Hayane-chan since we've been extending this for a while now, huh." Tsuna and the others nodded and then led Shammal to the Bench where Hayane was.

But When they arrived, they saw Hayane breathing harder and looking much redder while Spanner was checking on her using his machine to see why she was turning like this. Then Chrome asked Spanner as she was worried for Hayane. "Spanner-san, what happened to Hayane-san here? Lambo said nothing earlier when we called him earlier."

"Oh, you guys are finally here just after Lambo left to go with you, Hayane breathed harder, and her body heated up, and I'm currently trying to see her condition using this."

But when Shammal, who saw what was currently happening to Hayane, he became earnest, as he said: "This isn't just any normal problem. What did you do to cause her body to react this violently and active the hostile diseases she has inside her body..."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

LazySatanixDevilcreators' thoughts
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