
Chapter 16 Searching Chrome and Gods?

After Tsuna arrived in Namimori, he saw at the entrance where Ryohei, Kyoko waiting for him and also surprisingly Kyou. Kyou wore her usual Namimori uniform with her black gakuran on top of it. Tsuna, as he saw Kyou's outfit sweatdropped, never once had Tsuna, saw Kyou without her Namimori uniform and gakuran. Tsuna always did wonder about it, but as he thought of this, Kyoko notices him and runs up to him and said. " Tsuna-san you're already here huh were just waiting for Takeya-san and Haru and her Onii-chan to take us to Fushizen."

Kyoko was wearing a green dress with a dark green jacket. Tsuna found her cute and said it to her. Kyoko smiled due to Tsuna's compliment when they started dating Kyoko was timid, and even if they were holding, they would blush hard. But in recent weeks when they decided to include Haru in their relationship, Tsuna Kyoko and Haru became more confident and do not blush as much as before although they still are embarrassed by anything more than a kiss.

Then Tsuna asked Ryohei who was wearing an orange sweatshirt which says extreme with black sweatpants "Hey big bro do you know why Kyou is here with us I thought we were the only guys that would come to Fushizen today."

As Ryohei was about to reply when Ryou said "I merely had seen you guys in front of the school today when I'm doing some work in the school for today, but as I heard this Knucklehead here saying that you guys are going to Fushizen city today. Since I can make Tetsuya finish the work at school today, and I'm also coming to prevent you guys from causing trouble there that would taint the Namimori high name."

Tsuna sighed as he thought that Kyou was really a stickler for the Namimori high ever since they met, which he thought was interesting. After saying that a Van drove in front of the gang, and they saw Haru beside her Brother who was in the Driver seat and also Takeya who seemed too was already inside the Van and Haru then said to them "Hey guys you ready to go we already picked up Takeya-chan here by the road earlier when we were heading here and Kyou-san what are you doing here?"

Tsuna then explained what Kyou said earlier to Haru and asked Hiroshi if he can fit one more person in the Van. Hiroshi just said ok as their SUV was huge and the ride to Fushizen won't change much even if they added another person in the car. Then Ryohei, Kyou, Kyoko, and Tsuna rode the car.

Tsuna sat in the back seat as Takeya, Ryohei and Kyoko sat in the middle row already, and he shared the same seat with Kyou on the car. Initially, Kyoko and Haru wanted to sit beside Tsuna for the ride. Still, Hiroshi said that it wasn't going to ride anyway along and the two of them can do it later in the return trip as they already boarded the car anyway.

Both Haru and Kyoko pouted for a bit but slowly just accepted it and just made Tsuna promise to spend more time with both of them later. As the Van was going to the Fushizen Tsuna wanted to talk to Kyou, but she was quiet for the most of the journey, so he wasn't able to talk to her much until Tsuna, and the others had finally arrived at Fushizen city.

Kyou POV

While they entered the Van Kyou thought inside her head 'This is a change I can probably be able to seduce Sawada-san today as Fushizen is most known for where there's a lot of people who went there turned into a couple. But since Sawada-san already have a girlfriend or girlfriends if my theory is correct.'

As she thought of this, Tsuna was trying to talk to her, but she didn't notice, and it slowly became too awkward for Tsuna, which made the journey to be extremely uncomfortable. When Kyou finally managed to think of her plan, she didn't realize they had already arrived at Fushizen which they had travelled for about 3 hours from Namimori. When she found out, she was surprised and even with her poker face, but mentally she thought she had lost an opportunity, and she wanted to smack her head.


After Tsuna and the gang arrived in Hiroshi said that he had to do something in the city as he also had some business to do in Fushizen city that is related to their Business. Hiroshi said to the gang that he would pick them up later once they finish sightseeing. After seeing Hiroshi left the gang immediately and went to visit some attractions of Fushizen city.

Tsuna initially wanted to search chrome with his laptop that he bought immediately. Tsuna was also a genius in programming and inventing like Spanner but less good at it. Tsuna had already once made a prototype of his X-Burner contacts one, but when he made it he realized that it wasn't as great as Spanner's version, so he decided to ask Spanner later in the line to make it for him.

But as he was going to search for Chrome using his laptop, Haru and Kyoko dragged him and made him follow both of them for shopping and sightseeing. Seeing this, both Ryohei and Takeya went and decided to go out themselves. Takeya went and visited the local batting ring to see if there were differences between them From Namimori and Ryohei went to the local boxing club as he had heard that there was a great boxer champion In the area and wanted to challenge him.

Kyou then also decided to follow Tsuna and the other girls to see an opportunity to talk or seduce Tsuna once they were left alone and see if she can improve their relationship.

Time skip 2 hours later.

Finally, Tsuna thought as he was sitting at the park while holding some shopping bags. In the last two hours, Tsuna has been dragged down by both Kyoko and Haru because they led him everywhere in tourist attractions and the girls shopping. Tsuna was forced to carry everything that the girls even Kyou bought some although incomparable to the amount the two other girls bought.

After the shopping, the two girls invited Kyou to go to the Salon with them. Kyou was initially mad at this as even if she was a girl she didn't like to do much girlish stuff as that's why she was always considered as Tomboy most of her peers and even her family. But then decided to join them as she knew they would pester her for so long if she didn't accept and even if she was stronger than them she can't just beat them up as even for a little she considered them her friends. And Tsuna was left alone as they headed to the Salon.

Tsuna then after resting for a while using his laptop hacked the local Fushizen server. Using his hacking skills, Tsuna opened the local Hospital records to find Chrome. After a while of searching Tsuna actually found Nagi's or Chrome's medical record which states that she was currently in Fushizen Central Hospital. Tsuna was excited as he didn't expect to immediately find out where Chrome was, so he then when he was about to catch a ride and go to Fushizen Central Hospital.

Suddenly a strong gust of wind came out of nowhere and as Tsuna saw a man with messy, dark violet hair and light blue eyes wearing a navy tracksuit that has a small golden crown on the right side, and a pair of brown leather boots. The man was holding a Katana sword with bandages around it Green coloured wolf with 8 eyes that were as large as a house. As Tsuna saw it he was surprised and thought to himself "Wait wasn't that Yato from Noragami?!!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

LazySatanixDevilcreators' thoughts
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