
[Chapter 200] Soca’s Consequences

The queen stares at Soca with a gaze of fury. Her daughter has caused massive amounts of trouble, having ran just before the Wedding ceremony which took a month to plan and prepare. She looks down at her with a firm look on her face, "You will watch your tone with me. This war has been going on for long enough and this is the only solution we have. I don't care what he is like, you will do what is best for your kingdom."

The Alpha Pillar hisses at Soca who is looking at her mother with tears forming in her eyes. "It's always for the kingdom! You need to act more Royal like for the kingdom! You need to be friends with only royals! You need to dress like a Royal for the kingdom! You need to act more ladylike for the kingdom! When will it ever be about me?!"

Her mother is about to say something, but is immediately interrupted by the now ranting Soca.

"Act this way! Eat this way! Talk this way! Look this way! Learn this way! Sit this way! All for the image of our kingdom! You have never cared about how I have felt! Only this kingdom's image!"

Amelia, Emily, and Lana stare at Soca in awe. No one has even dared to talk back to their mother, but Soca went on a rant to her. They can only pray for her safety now.

The Queen has a look of pure rage as she clenched her throne, the wood splintering in her grip. With one swift motion, the azure colored Alpha Pillar charges at Soca, wrapping itself around her before even Amelia can react.

The heat waves radiating off of the broiling carapace of this pillar causes Soca to tear up even more, her dress beginning to wilt. But as the Pillar begins to squeeze, the queen hurriedly holds up her hand.

Her voice grows firmer as she shouts, "Don't hurt her! Bring her to me."

The Pillar can only obey as he crawls towards her, Soca still firmly in his grip. Soca watches in horror as she grows closer to her mother, fearing her punishment already...but satisfied with what she accomplished. She talked back to her mother, a feat no one else has accomplished. And she did so proudly.

Soca finally reaches her mother as she looks closely at her features. Her mother stares deep into her soul as she asks, "Unless you can stop this war, you will be marrying the Silck Kingdom's prince. Whether you like it or not."

Lana bites her lip for a moment before throwing caution to the wind. She stands even more upright as she asks, "May Emily and Amelia give you the report? There are some major factors that may answer your earlier statement."

The guards look at Lana with horror. You threw us under the cart!

The queen looks over at Lana, her curiosity piqued.

"You have my permission."

It isn't often her interest is piqued, but if they claim to have found a way to win the war. She wants to hear it, even if it won't happen.

Emily steps forward after nervously glancing at Amelia, "When the Princesses were finished running, we came upon a clearing where the enemy had set an ambush of 20 men. Royal guard Amelia and I tried our best to defend the princesses, yet failed to do so."

Her expression remains firm as her curiosity becomes attention. A group of enemies able to make 2 Royal guards she personally set as bodyguards to almost fall victim is no small task. They had to be as powerful as her guards or even stronger, which is nearly impossible since these are 2 of the strongest guards in the kingdom.

"When we were about to fall victim to the enemy. We were saved by a man donning a white set of gear and wielding a large scythe. He seemingly froze the enemies in place as he killed each one, somehow immobilizing each assassin. This man had disappeared and later reappeared. He has transformative abilities and is able to speak our language, but hasn't revealed his identity."

The queen is listening to the story with a slight hint of shock in her mind. But the next sentence caused her to nearly explode from shock.

"He accompanied us on our trip here and was sent to a tavern to rest by your personal guard."

The queen whips her head around to look at her guard who is currently facing straight ahead, like a statue.

"Come here." The queen demands as she points at the floor, a serious look on her face. 'If what she says is true, then this man could be a threat.'

The Royal Guard calmly walks in front of her queen before bowing silently. The queen clears her throat, "You will bring this man here immediately. I don't care what it takes to do so, just be sure to avoid a conflict."

The guard bows her head before turning around and walking out of the room, her new goal fresh in her mind. Yet as she leaves the door, a large, light skinned man enters the throne room with a look of concern on his face. The guard would say something, but she knows exactly who this man is.

He walks in with wearing an elegant blue shirt and black pants, his brown hair and grey eyes. Blue scales cover his entirety as his pointed ears reach the back of his head.

As he enters the room, he seemingly feels the tense gravity of the room. His attention is drawn to the queen notices her Alpha Pillar holding someone, but ignores them and the group of people to his side as he asks in a dramatically worried voice.

"I'm sorry to intrude but have you found anything on my fiancé Soca? I miss her dearly and have been extremely worried about her since her sudden disappearance."

The queen looks over and has to resist smearing at her daughter, 'And she says this man is violent and a horrible person. It doesn't matter as long as this war ends, too many lives have been lost already.'

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