
[Chapter 98] Memories

I look over the case one more time before I flick the two clamps down on it and walk out of my room. The case has the pearl white slime symbol on the front of its midnight black casing, along with two smooth clamps to keep the case shut.

'In all honesty, it looks very simple but is anything but, I have made this durable to the best of my abilities, it should be strong enough to survive a regular explosion but that is its limit.'

I smile as I walk out happy with what I have gained, and even happier with the fact that I could get some jeans from the cube, after all, jeans are very durable compared to most of the common wear. As I leave, I encounter the king as he walks out at the morning.

"Good morning your majesty." I say while I wave slightly. He nods as we begin to walk down the hall. "Good morning Kurayami, are you ready for the trip to continue?" He replies as he looks me at me curiously.

"I'm ready, Winter should also be ready to come along as well, this box is just meant for her gear." I say as I show the suitcase sized box.

He looks at it and raises his eyebrow while asking me, "Where do you keep getting this stuff anyway, I saw you enter your room with nothing a plentiful of times and then you exit with that suit....." he trails off for a moment. "And speaking of, where did you get that suit?"

I smile while replying, "I am an....engineer in simple terms and where I get the materials is my trade secret."

He stares at me for a little longer before shrugging his shoulders, seemingly pushing it off for later. All of a sudden, I hear a cheery voice enter my ears, "Morning father!"

I look over and see that it's Aurora who said it. As she sees me, she assumes a respectful tone and nods towards me, "Kurayami."

I immediately wave her off, "Listen, I don't like titles very much, I'm very easygoing when it comes to etiquette, just treat me like I treat you, after all, we will be living together in the same castle for the next few years."

She looks at me confused before looking over at her father who nods. She looks back at me and breathes out a sigh, "Thank gosh, I was doing it because of respect, but if you say so, I will be myself then. Keeping up a facade 24/7 would of been a pain."

I am at first shocked at the sudden change but then look back through my memories and realize that every time I was with the Royal family, they always acted respectful towards me, even Dreag was scarily respectful for a teacher.

'Do I really have that affect on people?' I ask myself as I go through my memories. Suddenly, I'm struck by another throbbing headache and my vision is filled with darkness, I suddenly hear hundreds of sounds enter my ears as dirt and sweat cover my face and my gear. I look around and see a blackened world with machines walking over dead counterparts and people.

Me and a girl beside me are shivering with fear as we stare at the machines kill other stragglers with a blue beam of light. As I hear another scream, I look at the item I have in my hand, it looks like a ball made of pure metal that changes different colors in the light. Suddenly, the girl grabs my arm, "Don't do it, it's not worth it." I shake my head and look at her green eyes. Her face has an Asian look to it, her black her falls loosely from her helmet, "When I attack, run away. If I don't do this, we will both die. At least one of us makes it out this way."

I smile a sad smile, "Besides, maybe I'll survive." She grabs my hand, "Promise you will survive and see me, promise!" I nod, "I promise. Now go!" And with that, I smash the ball of metal onto my chest and watch as it sprays metal bits everywhere, but they suddenly stop in place, before attaching to my skin. I quietly scream in agony as it covers my body from head to toe. I feel my legs shift lightly shift while being molded into whatever this is. Suddenly, the pain stops as a visor shows up in my vision and I feel a tail behind me.

In the top left corner, it shows me inside what looks like a giant mechanical lizard. It shows power, how much energy is being created, how many times I can use it's 'unique ability', and a two bars on top middle of my screen, a red one, and a silver one. The red one is my health while the silver one is how long it takes for repairs. I roar a mechanical roar as suddenly all the automatons look towards me. I hear a Ping! along with a box showing up in my vision.


"New Quest."

"Life's Recollection."

"Life is full of twists and turns, your life was more eventful than any other being known to man. They may come in shards, but now is the time to try and discover their true meaning."

Goal: Survive the waves of automatons.

Reward: Title: Metal Melter, New blueprint: Dragon Sonic


'What the hell?' I think as I suddenly realize something. I can move. Suddenly, a blue beam enters my vision and I feel my skin burning as I scream. Everything goes red on my visor as It suddenly sends out warnings, then my vision goes dark as the pain disappears.

After a moment, I suddenly feel the weight of gravity yet again and when I open my eyes, I see the same mission on my interface as I see the robots blasting people, I suddenly roar as they look at me. 'Did I just respawn? What the hell?'

Suddenly, I see a blue beam enter my vision. I feel my skin scorching again and I hear the warnings, as my visor turns red. Then it's silent as the pain disappears. Suddenly, I'm back where I was, and I mechanically roar again, grabbing everyone's attention. I see one of them fire a blue beam as I think, 'Shit.'

Let the loop begin! Thanks for reading!

Dragonjackelcreators' thoughts
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