

Author: "Welcome everyone to our Q&A! Beside me is my great friend Kurayami, say hello Kurayami!"

Kurayami: "Hey there guys and Author, let's get right into it with our first question!"

Ffion_Sims: do you plan on making this premium?

Author: "No, I do not plan on making this premium."

Kurayami: "Why not?"

Author: "As I stated multiple times, I am doing this as a hobby. Yes, I was tempted by money, but I decided to not do it. This is a hobby, period."

Kurayami: "That seems noble, but there has gotta be another reason author."

Author: "And there has gotta be another reason why you are existing, right?"

Kurayami: "..."

Author: "That is what I thought, next question!"

druser: I have just one question why is both. the slime and the werewolf chick both named winter. why couldnt you just name one of the summer. so confusing reading about winter squirming all over him but it turns out its just the slime

Author: "First off, the amount of spelling grammars in this comment hurt my head, not that I am any better."

Kurayami: "Author, you need to learn proper grammar."

Author: "Your right, but it was much worse before, and thank gosh it isn't my hand writing or else it would be unreadable."

Author: "Anyway, I liked the name Winter and felt it fit her. Plus, I plan on having a funny and very confusing scene happen later."

Kurayami: "What do you mean?"

Author: "Next question!"

Michael_Crew: will Kurayami ever find out what he really is or will he be left out in the dark because of the God's not being able to find him?

Kurayami: "Author what is he talking ab-"

Author: "Nope! Next question!"

Oatsa: When will he go back to the dragon land

Kurayami: "I actually am planning to go back at some point, I just don't know when, maybe after I make it to the kingdom seeing how it will take only a few days."

Author: "..."

SomeSpookyGuy: What's your favorite cereal

Author: "Cheerios, or as my mother calls it, paperos."

Kurayami: "I personally like zaffers. They were invented as a pure alternative to the morning paste that the military was stuck eating in the 3000s and they somehow existed till I died. It was somewhat fruity."

Cardinal_Shystem: I dunno what to ask lol.

Author: "Thank you for your very valuable question."

Kurayami: "Why did you even respond to this comment?"

Author: "Why not?"

Quenton_01: Is it harem? Will he spare enemies if they are pretty women? Beat compaions/ loyal subordinates? If he does have friends will they be pretty women trying to get with him? Just ruthless overall i guess?

Author: "No harem, I have stated this multiple times. I am too inexperienced and can barely handle the characters I'm adding, more or less adding more main side characters. The rest can be answered by Kurayami, Kurayami!"

Kurayami: "Okay then, first off, I will not, pretty women, or old man, they attack me with full intent to kill, they will not be spared. I will not be beating on others I know because that is nothing but cruel. Are you saying I can't have guy friends? And I don't plan on being ruthless, but I will be if they are to me first, or try to be."

Author: "Okay everyone, that will be the end of our Q&A, I hope you all enjoyed and had your questions answered as you like."

Next chapter