
The Beast Emperor of Radiance And Chimera Seeds

The title was quite impressive and Lin Mu could see the reverence the people had for the Beast Emperor to name him that.

'The only other beasts I've seen being referred to with such reverence are the Guardian Beasts.' Lin Mu thought to himself.

It showed that the status of the Beast Emperor of Radiance was no less than the Four Guardian beasts, and perhaps might have been greater than that too.

Just how great though, it was a matter that was not accessible to Lin Mu.

Neither was it something he should think about as it was beyond the scope of his understanding.

"You've never seen the Beast Emperor of Radiance yourself?" Lin Mu asked feeling curious.

"No, I've never had the chance." Xukong replied. "Though I did come close to it once… but another matter drew me away from encountering him." He added recalling an old memory.

"Then… what would you place the Beast Emperor Of Radiance's cultivation base at?" Lin Mu asked curiously.

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