
The Grey Slate Ravines

A red blur traveled across the Blood Strewn plans, almost melding in with the rest of the topography.

This was none other than Little Shrubby and Lin Mu.

They had left their temporary base several days ago and had been traveling nonstop since then. Unlike the first Immortal Stone mine, the second one that Huangyu Shiyi had already been to was very far.

According to the map that Lin Mu had obtained, the mine was located in the Grey Slate Ravines and the prince had been killing people there before. He had done that to prevent anyone from coming there, and also be afraid to meet him.

It was safe to say, his intentions had really worked and there was barely anyone that dared to enter that location now.

Even if the prince had already left it, the others didn't know that. To them, as long as the prince wasn't officially seen leaving the Desolate Blood Battlefield, it would be the same as him being there and waiting for them.

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