
Questioning Huyun Chuan

While Huyun Chuan was knocked out, he was still in pain.

The pain assaulted his mind and reached all the way into his dreams; turning them into nightmares. In them he was constantly beaten up, burned and crushed. No matter how much he tried, he simply couldn't escape it at all.

And the one doing all that to him was none other than the man in front of him.

He struggled in the nightmares but was unable to overcome them. And when they finally ended, he saw the source of the nightmares standing before him.


Lin Mu stood up and walked to Huyun Chuan.


His spirit sense rose and probed the man, scouring through his meridians, muscles, and Dantian, like a burglar going through one's belongings.

Huyun Chuan felt highly uncomfortable, but no matter how much he tried, he simply couldn't muster the spirit Qi within his body to work.

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