
Burning Body And Strange Phenomena

Lin Mu soldiered on and finally reached the end point.


The moment, the process was complete, a loud hum was heard. The sound came from Lin Mu's heart. The sound slowly got louder and louder and its tone changed. Before it was like a light bell, but slowly it was morphing.



Soon Lin Mu's heart was beating like the thunders of summer storms. It was as if a roaring fire was burning within his heart and it had become a furnace. The sounds were like the call of prominence and were heard in an area of over a hundred kilometers.

Little Shrubby was the closest and heard it the clearest. He quickly rushed to Lin Mu's side and checked upon him. Finding that Lin Mu was good, just in a unique state, he took a breath of relief.

But at this point, his ears twitched.



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