
Sugarcoated Coconut

[Johan's POV]

"How old are you, Johan?" asked the middle-aged woman sat at the head of the eight-seater wooden table. 

"I'm twenty-one, Auntie."

Adelia nodded and went back to eating. Adrian and Aaron's Mom gave off the vibe of a loving, but a strict mother with her salon-curled hair, reminding him of a few relatives during family reunion. She kept throwing occasional questions at him, and Johan answered based on a script he kept stored in his memory.

"What do your parents do for a living?" came another harmless but personal question only a mother would ask.

 Back erected straight, Johan chewed his food properly and took his time to gulp it down before he answered with a polite smile. "My parents split up when I was still young, so I don't know what my mother is up to right now. I grew up with my grandparents."

"Oh. Sorry to hear about that."

"It's alright."

"How about your father?"

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