
Chapter 115: Hello, Cupcake

I had only once witnessed Dad's mortal form and even so I was still stunned. Gone was the red tinted skin, the horns. Like me, he looked human.

But more than human. Super human. Like a god made flesh. Everything about him was perfect. His whole being vibrated with power without even trying. His deep blue eyes, so dark they were almost navy, settled on mine and he smiled.

"Hello, cupcake."

His hug was so warm, so real. While I adored seeing him no matter what, feeling his arms around me, there was still a cold and stone-like quality to him when he came through his statue. As if he wasn't able to fully dispel the substance in exchange for his own.

This Dad was totally different. Totally mortal.

And it terrified me.

"We need to go." Sunny looked so relieved I was starting to believe her.

"After you." So he wasn't trusting her either. Good to know. I knew my dad wasn't stupid or anything. After all he was older than dirt. But when it came to Mom, he could be entirely irrational.

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