
Chapter 88: Camping

Book Three: Demon Child

Just my luck, the moment my marshmallow browned to sugary perfection, my hand slipped a little too close and-poof-it burst into flames before sliding from the end of my carefully peeled stick and into the fire.


Simon's glasses reflected the campfire as he grinned at me around a mouthful of white, blackened bits sticking to his lips and teeth. The sight made me slightly nauseated and actually grateful my treat lay crisping to death on the coals.

I was just happy to finally be free of a month's worth of grounding. I seriously thought Mom was joking when she told me I'd lost my freedom that morning in the cave where we all nearly died. After all, hadn't I just saved the coven and the Blood Clan DeWinter from the creature who was part human, part Firblog, part vampire plague and part demon? Poor Cesard had a serious case of multiple personality disorder.

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