
Chapter 86: Justice

I needn't have worried. Sebastian had it covered. He pulled the weakened Cesard from my mother before any damage could be done and threw him to the ground.

The vampires descended on him, all of them, clinging to the screaming magician and draining him dry. I couldn't watch. It was too horrible. Instead, I ran the five steps to my mother and hugged her like I'd never let her go.

That was the plan, anyway.

"Syd," I turned at the sound of my name. Brad was watching me, but there was a glazed look to his eyes telling me he wasn't all there yet. "What happened?"

I didn't want to leave Mom and didn't have to. Quaid bent over Brad and touched his forehead.

"Go back to sleep, Football." Brad's eyes closed and he sighed deeply.

Damn. I still had that mess to deal with. I met Quaid's eyes. They were empty of emotion and his smirk was back. Double damn.

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