
Chapter 45: The Black Dog Revealed

I would have kept screaming, until my mind went, until I couldn't breathe. It was too much, way too much. I went through hell and found myself right back in it. For the first time since the whole thing started I fell apart and let myself go.

I don't know if I would have gotten myself stopped if Jared hadn't snapped me out of it.

He jerked the wheel hard to the left, digging the seatbelt into me, throwing me into the car door.

"Syd!" He yelled. "Stop!"

I did. The final betrayer was Jared. It had been Jared all along. He had the good grace to look embarrassed.

"Hold it together," he snapped.

I started to laugh, a choking sound torn from my sore lungs and throat.

"You're kidding, right?" I said. "You're really freaking kidding me."

"I'm sorry, Syd. But, there are bigger things happening here than you know about. Darker things. And I haven't had a choice from the moment it all started."

"We always have a choice," Meira whispered. I, for one, agreed with her.

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