
Chapter 21: Fighting For Forgiveness

I didn't even bother trying to hide my dejection when I walked through the door at home. By that point, I didn't care one way or the other who saw me or knew. Whatever. I told myself it didn't matter, they couldn't really hurt me. They were only words and stupid rotten idiots and we'd be moving soon anyway. I'd be able to start fresh with a new batch of horrible people to try to avoid at all costs.

I walked into the kitchen to my mother's smiling face and a fresh batch of cookies.

Funny what can make you break down and sob your heart out.

As I fell totally and utterly apart, I felt Mom's arms go around me. I clung to her like she was my only anchor to the real world. As I wept into her, pouring out my frustration and grief in huge heaves of choking tears, she held on to me and stroked my hair.

How come we couldn't keep that connection?

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