
Chapter 82

Mr. Webster locked the shop door, flipped the closed sign and turned to Nettie, slipping the keys in his pocket. "Are you sure you won't come to dinner with us, dear? We'd love to have you."

"It's your anniversary, Uncle James. I'm not coming along as a third wheel. I'm going to unpack that new box of Agatha Christie books, and then curl up with a sandwich and my very own copy."

She waved them off, then tied an apron over her nice pink dress and went into the back store room. The box of Christies was right on top of the table near the door, so she didn't need to search. She used a pen knife to slit open the wrapping and started stacking books on the table. She'd already cleared off one of the new shelves out front for the grande dame of mystery's latest work.

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