
Chapter 76

Diana set down her knitting. "You know, I think perhaps I'll go dine out this evening. I'll be home at a decent hour - say nine o'clock? Mrs. V, do you think your husband could pick me up then at the Lakeshore Inn? I'll make my way down by way of the shops. I'm in a spendy sort of mood this afternoon."

"Of course, ma'am." Mrs. VanCleve smiled. "I'll stay in the house with the young lovebirds until you return. Of course I may turn my wireless up. My hearing isn't what it used to be, you know."

She actually winked at Nettie as she walked away.

Diana followed, waving over her shoulder. "Have a good night, sister. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." With a laugh, she followed the housekeeper down the back stairs.

Nettie sat in stunned silence.

They'd all conspired to give her and Eli an evening to themselves.

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