
Chapter 55

He wanted to lean down and kiss the worried frown from her lips, but he knew that if he started something here in the dining room, he'd never be able to stop until he'd had her again. She deserved better this time than another frantic coupling on the floor. Instead, he just pulled her close to his side and moved toward the staircase, carrying a lamp in his other hand. "In that case, my dear, why don't you show me the rest of your lovely house?"

"The cellar, perhaps?" she teased boldly. "Or the attic?"

He tugged playfully on her braid and waggled his eyebrows for effect. "Careful there, love. Saucy wenches are liable to be spanked."

"Hmmmm. I've heard that can be...arousing."

Adam stopped halfway up the stairs and gaped at her in shock. "Madam, where did you hear that?"

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