
Chapter 122: Black Ribbon

With my power safeguarding the hand of Creator tucked securely against my chest and my alter egos keeping it occupied so I didn't have to listen to it complaining, I followed Apollo as he gave me the guided tour of the Brotherhood hideout. His brother walked firmly at his side. Owen hugged Apollo with unabashed relief the moment he had a chance and there were tears in both their eyes when he let go.

I held back, let them talk in murmured conversation while the Steam Union spread out, growing in number as Piers cracked commands and the castle, once Brotherhood property, was taken over by his people. It was an impressive spot, to say the least, with the latest technology woven into a squatting, stone castle that belonged in another era. It made me wonder why the Brotherhood missed the button cam and microphone the Zornov brother carried when wireless and fiber op ran along stone walls and a giant satellite dish sat on the roof surrounded by parapets.

I was grateful nonetheless.

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