
Chapter 37: BONUS STORY #3 - Uncle Frank

Uncle Frank

I'd never tell Mir, but it smelled like mothballs in here. I stretched as I woke, choking on the air inside the cupboard despite not needing to breathe. I really had to ask her to not tamper with our sleeping place, still a hundred times better than any coffin, in my opinion. But, my big sister was just trying to help.

Story of my life, really. Made me feel sorry for her, for the choices she made, ones she really didn't have a say in when it came down to it. Thank all that was magical I was born the second child, a boy and powerless. Sure, at the time it seemed the worst fate ever, but I'd at least had choices. Unlike Miriam and her daughter. Sydlynn, poor Syd.

She had everything I'd wanted and more and yet I understood completely why the heir to the Hayle coven rejected her future.

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