
Chapter 308: Reprieve

Crew kissed me, the lingering sort of lip connection that always left me with tingles. Why did it have to end? He leaned away at last, laughing when I grasped his jacket and pulled him back for just one more moment. Not that he fought me or anything.

When I finally let him go, he caught my hand, kissed my fingers. "I guess I'm staying Reading's sheriff for a bit longer."

"I guess so," I said. "You're sure you don't want to come work for me? I could use a scullery maid. Or a handyman. How about a dog walker?"

He grinned. "No joke," he said. "That may end up happening despite Olivia's victory." Why didn't he seem worried? Right. Dad offered him a job at one point. Crew had to be thinking he had a backup plan that had nothing to do with scooping Petunia's poop. "Poor Jill."

"She felt terrible," I said. "Olivia didn't give her much choice." Nice to see he was being good about it.

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