
Chapter 47: "Listen, Cyberwhore!" Part 2

Under the rim of the evening at long last, Jessica, her friends, and the Woodsmen arrived at their destination. They found a shabby, old ranger outpost surrounded by cedars and covered in leaves. Little more than a series of dilapidated beams and old towers. Closer inspection brought a network of metal barricades. Indescribably, the sensation of an invisible presence motioned toward the greater labyrinth of the forest.

Gideon strolled up to the ruin, Danielle still slumped over his shoulder. With the tip of his foot, he tapped around a leaf patch until the hollow drum of metal resonated. Scattering the leaves revealed a cellar door, then he stood silently by as two woodsmen grabbed the handles. A series of concrete steps lowered into a hollow space.

"I'm noticing recurring abstract imagery here," said Shannon.

Next chapter