
Chapter 22: The House Above

Susan knew as soon as she woke up she was back in her own bed. Being Above felt different, she realized. For one, the air was wrong, the noises and, oddly, she felt empty.

My magic, she thought. I can't feel it here.

For some reason, that made Susan very sad.

She opened her eyes in the dark of her bedroom and saw light under her door. For the first time she worried about what to tell her parents. She was gone for days! They must have been terrified. Susan struggled through one idea after another and came up blank.

Not like they'd believe the real thing anyway, she thought, and I promised I wouldn't tell.

Her fingertips strayed out next to her out of habit, and met only cool comforter. She jerked her hand back when she realized what she was doing and fought not to cry.

I can cry in Cat City, she told herself. Cats don't count.But no way was she letting her parents catch her sobbing like a baby. Even though that was exactly what she wanted to do.