
Chapter 57

The air at dawn was cold and damp, especially near the sea. The small port of the island was entirely taken up with a cargo ship so dirty and battered that Sophie wondered if it would hold up to the journey.

She and Nadia were crouched behind a car, and watched Cain’s men on the ship transporting supplies, computers, all kinds of electrical equipment and, Sophie noticed with a shudder, weapons. Even Cain himself was on the pier: it wasn’t difficult to discern his small twisted figure. Sophie wondered, as she had often done that morning, why she agreed to help her friend with this crazy plan.

“Mind you,” she said, “We see Taneen, say goodbye, give him a kiss, and go, OK?”

“Look,” Nadia said with a fervent voice, pointing to a spot not far from them and ignoring Sophie’s words. ”He must be in there.”

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