
Chapter 40: Mermaid and Merman Wands

A mermaid or merman wand is any wand that has a mermaid or merman hair or sliver of scale in its core.

Mermaids and Mermen


Merpeople (Homo oceanus) are magical beings who live in the various oceans around the world. Mermaids and mermen have the upper bodies of women and men respectively, but the long sinuous lower body of a fish. Being part human and part fish, they can breathe both above and under water. Unlike sirens, who enchant sailors with their singing and thereby shipwreck them on dangerous rocks, most mermaids are benevolent, rescuing sailors who have fallen overboard and who are in danger of drowning. Because mermaids are often drawn to sailors while mermen show no interest in anything above the sea, mermaids are seen far more often than mermen and it is far easier for wand makers to obtain the necessary hair or scales from mermaids than from mermen.

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