
Chapter 27: Other Magical Instruments

In addition to magic wands, mages have many other instruments they can use to control magic:

Amulets - Amulets are small objects that have the magical power to protect their owners from danger or harm. Because they only work when in their owners' physical possession, amulets are typically meant to be worn. Amulets are most often found hanging from a necklace, but are occasionally worn as a bracelet or ring. Like magic wands, amulets almost always contain a part of a magical creature and may also include magical woods, mystical crystals, and mystic metals. Typical examples include the Non fures (no thieves), the Non morborum (no sicknesses), the Non nautragia (no ship wrecks), the Non sunt tenebrae magicae (no dark magic), the Nulla maris serpentes (no sea serpents), and Nulla neque iniuria (no injuries) amulets.

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