
Chapter 13: Light - The Phase and its Spells

The phase Light is associated with light, life, and creation. It also promotes goodness, benefit, order, safety, and health. Light is the yang to the Darkness's yin.

Light spells are those spells that primarily promote the characteristics of the Light. Magic wands that are primarily made from materials associated with Light are particularly good at strengthening and focusing light spells. Some of the most common light spells are those intended to:

- Block or counteract dark magic spells

- Protect oneself and others against attack:

- Remove or block curses, hexes, and jinxes

- Create protective barriers

- Disarm attackers of weapons, wands, staffs, amulets, and charms

- Reflect attacks back on the attacker

- Release people and animals from behavior controlling spells

- Set people and animals free from bonds

- Create light

- Heal people, animals, and plants

- Neutralize poisons, venoms, and toxins

- Eliminate or lessen pain, hunger, and thirst

- Cause infatuation, strengthen love, and ensure fidelity

- Increase positive emotions such as benevolence, courage, creativity, happiness, hope, kindness, love, motivation, patience, peace, satisfaction, self-confidence, and sympathy

- Improve leadership, increase confidence in others, and loyalty

- Increase beauty, charm, and grace

- Increase intelligence, memory, creativity, inspiration, intuition, eloquence, and alertness[1]

- Cause refreshing sleep with pleasant dreams

- Bring good luck, success, and wealth

The following are a few of the most useful magic spells that are especially strengthened or focused by wand components having the phases Light or Twilight:

Amplio concentratio (improve concentration) improves the concentration and focus of the subject of the spell.

Amplio memoria (improve memory) improves the memory of the subject of the spell.

Annuntiate adiutorium (summon help) summons help from all nearby good people and magical beings.

Annuntiate spiritum conducit (summon helpful spirit) summons one or more helpful spirits.

Aufer iram (remove anger) eliminates or lessens the anger of the subject of the spell.

Aufero avaritia (remove greed) eliminates or lessens the greed of the subject of the spell.

Aufero diffidentia (remove distrust)eliminates or lessens the distrust of the subject of the spell of a specific person or situation.

Aufero maledictionem [curse] (remove curse) removes the named curse from the subject.

Aufero odium (remove hatred) eliminates or lessens the hatred of the subject of the spell.

Aufero timor (remove fear) eliminates or lessens the fear felt by the subject of the spell.

Aufero zeli (remove jealousy) eliminates or lessens the jealousy of the subject of the spell.

Creare arbor (create tree) creates a tree where the wand is pointed.

Creare lux (create light) creates a light (whereby the light either remains attached to the tip of the wand if the mage holds the wand still or else the flies off in the desired direction if the mage flicks the wand in that direction).

Creare silva (create woods) creates a small number of trees at the location where the wand is pointed.

Crescere agilitas (increase agility) greatly increases the agility of the subject of the spell.

Crescere beatitudinem (increase happiness) increases the happiness of the subject of the spell.

Crescere fidelitate ad [name] (increase loyalty) causes the subject of the spell to remain faithful and loyal to someone.

Crescere fiduciam sui (increase self-confidence) greatly increases the self-confidence of the subject of the spell.

Crescere fortitude (increase bravery) makes the subject of the spell brave, potentially to the point of foolhardiness.

Crescere gratia (increase grace) makes the subject of the spell graceful.

Crescere intelligentia (increase intelligence) increases the intelligence of the subject of the spell.

Crescere intuitio (increase intuition) increases the intuition and insight of the subject of the spell.

Crescere patientia (increase endurance) greatly increases the endurance of the subject of the spell.

Crescere sapientia (increase wisdom) increases the wisdom of the subject of the spell.

Crescere scientia (increase knowledge) increases the knowledge of the subject of the spell.

Crescere sperare (increase hope) increases the hope of the subject of the spell.

Crescere splendor (increase brightness) increases the brightness of the light to which the wand points.

Crescere uenustate (increase attractiveness) makes a female subject of the spell beautiful and a male subject handsome.

Daemonium pellendi (banish daemon) banishes daemons back to the daemonic plane of existence.

Diligunt etiam quando impossibile est (love when impossible) nurtures and deepens the impossible love between two star-crossed lovers.

Diu vivere (long life) causes the subject of the spell to live a long and healthy life. (This spell requires very great skill and an extreme amount of Quintessence.)

Divites facturus (make wealthy) causes the subject of the spell to prosper financially.

Efficiatur infatuati [name] (become infatuated) makes the subject of the spell to become infatuated with named person.

Eliminate dolor (eliminate pain) eliminates the pain of the subject of the spell for a few hours.

Eliminate fame (eliminate hunger) eliminates the hunger of the subject of the spell for a few hours.

Eliminate siti (eliminate thirst) eliminates the thirst of the subject of the spell for a few hours.

Eliminant venenum (eliminate poison) renders harmless the poison to which the wand points.

Facere fortunatus (make lucky) gives the subject of the spell a few hours of good luck.

Facere parum pudici [name] (make sexually attractive) makes the subject sexually attractive or if followed by a name makes the subject of the spell find the named person sexually attractive.

Facere regalis (make majestic) gives the subject of the spell a regal bearing that makes those around him wish to serve him as if he were royalty.

Imperium dæmon (control daemon) gives the mage casting the spell complete control of a relatively weak low-level daemon[2].

Imperium monstrum (control monster) gives the mage casting the spell complete control over relatively small monsters.

In amorem incidere cum [name] (fall in love) causes the subject of the spell to fall in love with the named person.

Inspirare (inspire) inspires the subject of the spell to create poetry, music, or writing.

Intercluderent maledictio (block curse) forms an invisible protective barrier against the curse aimed at the mage who casts the spell.

Liberes personam ex incantatores (free from spell) frees the subject of the spell from any behavior controlling spells.

Liberes personam ex vinculis (free from bondage) frees the subject of the spell from bonds such as ropes and handcuffs.

Obliviscaris memoria (forget memory) causes the subject of the spell to forget the memory currently being remembered.

Pellat spiritus (banish spirit) banishes a ghost, poltergeist, or other spirit to the spiritual plane of existence.

Portect in chodchod (protect valuables) protects the valuables that are the subject of the spell from harm (e.g., damage or theft).

Protege a nocentibus (protect from harm) protects the subject of the spell from harm (e.g., injury) for a few hours.

Reparare (repair) repairs the broken subject of the spell.

Revelare deceptio (reveal deception) reveals deceptions to the mage casting the spell.

Sana a morbo (heal illness) heals any illness of the subject of the spell, typically only for a few days.

Sanari ab iniuria (heal injury) heals the subject's injury where the wand is pointed.

Supprimere male cogitat (suppress unwanted thoughts) enables the subject of the spell to easily ignore unwanted thoughts.

Vivus factus (live) brings inanimate objects to life.

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