
Chapter 8: Air - The Elemental and its Spells

Air is one of the five metaphysical elementals of classical philosophy and alchemy. The elemental Air is dominant in and thus strongly associated with:

- Gases and air

- The sky and space

- Breezes, winds, whirl winds, and tornados

- Things that are very light weight

- Things that are white or clear

- Flying mystical creatures (e.g., gryphons, hippogryphs, and phoenixes)

- Flying animals including birds, bats, and flying insects

The Alchemical Symbol for the Elemental Air

Air wands are made from materials, one or more of which have the elemental Air. Air wands are particularly good at strengthening and focusing air spells. Some of the most common air spells include spells intended to:

- Create, control, and extinguish winds, clouds, fogs, and mist

- Control, forecast, and be immune to the effects of the weather

- Create, control, and destroy poisonous gases

- Create, control, and extinguish smells and sounds

- Cause suffocation

- Enable someone to survive without breathing or when breathing poisonous gasses

- Transform one gas into another

- Improve vision, both natural and supernatural, including clairvoyance (seeing hidden or distant objects) and divination (seeing the future)

- Find lost people, animals, and things

- Improve hearing, both natural and supernatural (e.g., clairaudience)

- Improve communication including telepathy of thought and emotion

- Levitate things

- Fly through the air, either directly or via the animation of flying brooms (or besoms as they were often called by your great grandparents) and magic carpets

- Control flying animals such as birds, bats, and flying insects

- Transform flying animals into other things

- Protect people, animals, plants, and objects from the effects of strong winds

The following incantations with their translations and desired results are a few of the most useful magic spells that are especially strengthened and focused by wand components having the elemental Air:

Accio [object] (fetch) causes the identified object to fly to the mage casting the spell.

Augendae audientes (enhance hearing) greatly enhances the hearing of the subject of the spell.

Augendae conspectu (enhance sight) greatly enhances the vision of the subject of the spell to see things that are far away.

Augendae oratio (enhance voice) greatly increases the loudness of the voice of the subject of the spell.

Communicare cum aerea creaturis (communicate with aerial creatures) enables the mage casting the spell to communicate with large flying creatures (such as birds and bats) that are the subject of the spell.

Communicare via cogitatio (telepathy) enables the subject of the spell to communicate thoughts and emotions via telepathy with the mage.

Convertere ad aeris (transfigure to air) transfigure the subject of the spell into air.

Communicare via cogitatio (telepathy) enables the subject of the spell to communicate thoughts and emotions via telepathy with the mage.

Convertere ad aeris (transfigure to air) transfigure the subject of the spell into air.

Convertere ad fumant (transfigure to smoke) transfigure the subject of the spell into air.

Creare caligine (create mist) causes a fine mist to fly out of the end of the wand.

Creare caligo (create fog) causes a thick fog to fly out of the end of the wand.

Creare fortis ventis (create wind) causes a strong wind to fly out of the end of the wand.

Creare nubibus (create clouds) creates small white clouds to form in the sky overhead.

Creare odor [something] (create smell) creates the smell of the thing named.

Creare patet apricis die (create sunny day) eliminates clouds overhead to temporarily create a clear sunny day.

Creare sonitum [something] (create sound) creates the sound of the thing named.

Creare tempestas (create storm) creates a local storm (requires a very large amount of Quintessence).

Creare turbo (create tornado) creates a tornado (requires a very large amount of Quintessence).

Divinatio (divination) enables the subject of the spell to see (and therefore foretell) future events.

Loginquitas auditurus esse (clairaudience) enables the subject of the spell to hear sounds from distant locations, events, and conversations.

Loginquitas os (clairvoyance) enables the subject of the spell to see distant locations, events, people, or objects.

Pendeo (levitate) causes the subject of the spell to rise up and then hover suspended in the air.

Præcipe aerea creaturis [creature] (command aerial creatures) enables the mage casting the spell to control the behavior of flying creatures (such as birds, bats, and flying insects) that are the subject of the spell.

Protegere ab fortis ventis (protect from wind) protects the subject(s) of the spell from strong winds.

Protegere ab procellis (protect from storm)protects the subject(s) of the spell from storm wind, lightning, and precipitation.

Scire per tactum (clairsentience) enables the subject of the spell to see the past by touching an associated object.

Tranquillitas tempestas (calm the storm) calms a storm's winds, stops lightning from occurring, and stops precipitation.

Vivere obstante venenum aer (live breathing poison) enables the subject(s) of the spell to breathe poisonous gases and live.

Vivere sine spirans (live without breathing) enables the subject of the spell to survive without breathing.

Volatilis (fly) enables the subject of the spell to fly without support (e.g., no broom or magic carpet).

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