
Chapter 36


"Good morning, Marilyn," Carl Sminck sat down beside her at breakfast. "We're doing your follow up interview to play before you sing next. You are giving it a good run for the money, but we need to get your story out to the people who will vote for you."

"A friend found an old video of me as a girl in a play," Marilyn said.

"That was a fortunate find." He smiled toothily. "It's hard to vote against someone a delicate and earnest as that little girl. Perhaps if we find you a white dress to sing in."

"You dug it up?"

"This is a TV show, Marilyn. That means we need ratings. To get ratings we need to have something unusual, unique even. There are so many talent shows, but we are the only one with you. Your story is gripping, heartbreaking. You are my best find. A nudge here, a push there and you'll go far. We need you to make it at least to the finals to get the ratings we projected."

"You're using me."

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